Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The People of Egypt

Lane’s interest in understanding the people of Egypt was demonstrated in his detailed work on this country and the ancient society that existed when this dynasty ruled the region.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The People of Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The book, Description of Egypt was based on his diary that he made on the facts that he collected about this country during his voyage. He starts by describing the harbors, and Alexandria City. From his description, Lane tries to figure out the strategic location of this city the ancient trade and other overseas activities that took place along this route. Lane then moved from Alexandria to the famous Nile. He wanted to compare what was written in historic books and the actual geographic structure of this country. He even tries to give a physical sketch of the country based on what he was able to observe. The book then describes the topo graphical structure of Musr, currently known as Cairo. He found it interesting comparing the historical topography of this region, and what had been written in historical books. He marveled at the size of the city and the beauty of its environs. Lane gave a detailed analysis of the Egyptian Moos’lim Dynasties as they were recorded in some of the artifacts that were available within this society. He was attracted to the Mohham’mad Al’ee’s history, especially after the departure of French forces from this region. According to this book, Egyptians were generally organized people who lived in a society that had centrally focused on their pharaoh as the supreme authority. The book shows that life during the ancient times was based on town. Although people practiced farming and other economic activities, majority of members of this kingdom lived in the two large cities of Cairo and Alexandria. The two cities were strategically located from the deep harbors, and this made it possible to detect and repel any of the external forces that would try to attack the kingdom. In such towns, the society had a clear administrative structure. As demonstrated in this book, members of the society had a clear hierarchy that had to be observed by all other members of the society. Lane observes that this society had a clear administrative structure with the pharaoh as the final authority. There were other ranks from pharaoh, with each rank having specific objectives and authorities (Lane 78). The Egyptian pyramids was another factor that Lane’s book gave a detailed account on as a way of clarifying the social structure of this country. This book gave a detailed focus on the Pyramid of El-Gee’zeh and the Pyramid of Ab’oo Seer. In his analysis, Lane was concerned of collecting some historical facts about this country and the social structure of its people. Lane describes the visit he made to these sites, and some of the remains that were collected from the sites.Advertising Looking for research paper on geography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is revealed in this book that the pyramids were used as tombs for pharaohs. The book depicts the Egyptian pharaoh as a demigod who was considered to have supernormal powers. The society believed that pharaohs were able to overcome death after some time. For this reason, they constructed the pyramids as places where pharaohs would be placed upon their death. The pyramids acted as their house when they died. Pharaoh would be buried into the pyramids with all the servants. At this point, there is a mixed reaction in the mind of Lane as presented in this book. While he admired the architectural work that was involved in coming up with the pyramids, he is actually amazed at the fact that living human beings would be buried with the dead king in order to be able to offer him any service he would ‘need’. The book gives an idea that the country did not consider slaves as normal human beings with feelings that any person could have. This is one of the reasons why they were buried together with the pharaohs when he died. This is supported by some of the historical facts that Lane was able to gather about Egypt and the ancient Egyptians. This book also tells about the Nubians. According to this book, Lane notes that Nubians are some of the native inhabitants of the ancient Egypt, especially the southern region that borders Sudan. The ancient Nubians were hunters and gatherers. They also kept animals such as cows and goats. Although they did not have a clearly defined social system, the Nubians had some form of political system, with leaders also seen as the religious heads. However, the strong Egyptian army pushed them further down the border. Most of them were taken to Egypt as slaves. However, as the power of the Egyptian empire subsided, the Nubians community was restricted once again. T he book also described changes that took place among this community over the years, to the modern day Nubians who value agriculture and cattle keeping (Lane 112). The book analyzes the origin of civilization in Egypt. The book acknowledges that Egypt could be the cradle land of civilization. Hieroglyphics that were used in this ancient kingdom was a sign of a society that was changing to modernity. The book also talks about religion and law in this country. Although the political leadership was seen to be different from religious leadership in this kingdom, Pharaoh was considered the overall head of the society and his decision was considered as a law that had to be obeyed by everyone. The book looks at the mannerism of members of this society and some of their customs.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The People of Egypt specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As noted in this book, customs and culture in this society was consistently changing with the changes taking place in the society due to its exposure to the outside world. The book looks at some of the economic activities that were practiced by Egyptians during this period. The book also looks at the emergence of agriculture in this society. Conclusion The book’s, ‘Description of Egypt’ by Edward Lane gives a detailed focus of the ancient Egyptian society. The book analyzes some of the geographical facts about this country, and then analyzes the social and political structure of these people. The book tries to compare the evidence Lane collected and some of the historical information that had existed before. The book analyzes some of the indigenous people of Egypt, especially the Nubians. Lane then brings to focus the gradual change of the society members to modernity. The book analyzes the socio-economic and political structure of the society before, during and after the transition. As the book demonstrates, th e society in Egypt went through a series of transition to become what it is today. Works Cited Lane, Edward. Description of Egypt: Notes and Views in Egypt and Nubia, Made During the Years 1825, 26, 27, and 28; Chiefly Consisting of a Series of Descriptions and Delineations of the Monuments, Scenery C. of Those Countries. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2000. Print. This research paper on The People of Egypt was written and submitted by user Jagger Solomon to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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